January 2, 2006

Progress Report

Before we left for this trip, one of the things that we were warned about was that we weere being too ambitious with our goals -- 40 hours of workshops, a newspaper issue, a trip to a village (which we just returned from), among other things... Well, I'm happy to report that we are on our way to meeting our goals, and even surpassing them! Just before our trip to the village, we made a short video clip that will be shown at the local movie theatre to promote a picnic Rafigui is organizing. Below are two screenshots:

Also, here's a photo from the village -- it's a picture of an outdoor church in the village... Pretty eerie, eh?


Blogger Katherine said...

Hi guys,

Hopefully you'll get more comments now that people are back from xmas holidays here. Everything sounds absolutely fantastic - and it is a pleasure to read your postings. Keep them coming!

Two things I'd like to hear more about - perhaps when you get back - are:

1) You make many references to time. How do you experience time there as compared to at home? How does time relate to space (both virtual and real) in Chad? How do the people there 'spend' (??) their time? How does this affect people's relationship with technology? How does this relate to culture? To economics?

2) How is the actual teaching going? What techniques are you finding useful? How does learning take place in Chad, and how is this similar or different to how you learn at home? Have you run into any particularly interesting cultural divides or bridges when it comes to teaching and learning?

W - I've asked Prof. Chan if I can attend your talk in his course in a few weeks ... maybe you can touch on some of these things then. :)

Lots of luck, positive energy, safety and fun,


4:54 PM  

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