December 19, 2006

In the field again

Almost a year day-to-day after Wojciech and I left for Chad, a sample of Rafigui members are taking the car across Cameroon, Nigeria and Niger to reach me in Burkina Faso for the second phase of the A13I's work with them.

After spending the summer working part time on developing the French language resources for teaching OSS to media-oriented associations, FMM thought it was time to see if its training in N'Djaména had an impact on its stakeholders.

The Rafigui members will be spending two weeks in Bobo-Dioulasso for monitoring and evaluation purposes. They will offer a restitution of the OSS training to local members of HIV AIDS associations. This will take place at the Centre d'Accès à l'Information (CAI) of the Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie, who generously let us use their material. This will consist in three four-hours session , two four-hour sessions in each of OpenOffice Writer, GIMP and Scribus. They will also benefit from the expertise of the CAI to strenghten their abilities in Linux as well as an introduction to NVU for Web development. In addition, a four day trip in a neighbouring village is planned to conduct focus groups with a women's rotating savings and credit group, continue the shooting of a promotional video on the association's activities as well as to spend the Tabaski and New Year's Day "Burkina-style" with balafon music!

This is a preview. I think any training need some follow-up to ensure it has been well understood and appropriated. This is especially true in the case of new technologies of information and communications in Africa. There is an enormous need in community associations to be using such technology in an efficient way. I am grateful to the OS OA and Professor Leslie Chan for giving me the chance to do this work. I will be posting updates as time permits. Thanks for your interest.